Social Media, Social Media Marketing Tips (+ Which Ones To Ditch) For Your Digital Brand or Business

We told you here (in bold red), our brand is at the top of the blog site game because we know there is a psychology behind digispace branding getting your brand “out there” and know that word of mouse (is the new world order of things) but has not canceled word of mouth. 

We find a way to Feng Shui our way through it to place both! In Feng Shui, like life and people in it-down to the things in your home; everything has its proper place. How and where you place persons, places and things add to, or subtract energy from you (your life or business).

OSFMag concluded that we love-love-love- Instagram, because our spirit and brand Feng Shui flies as free as the (non-deliberating, tight, contrived) wide open spaces of the world of Instagram (as compared to the any other social media site). Instagram is simply and all about an indefinite, (non descending, momentary) hashtag reach by which the viewers are magnetically attracted. No pretense. So in turn, are more apt to indulge and engage via the graphic rather than the constraints of 140 characters–giving way to too much calculating, deliberating, and contrived communicating, trying to determine how much reciprocating and interacting is bio-beneficial. Even Bravo’s Andy Cohen stands by IG being the REAL “social” media MVP (with regard to going with the flow and engagement being less deliberating-positive or cryptic-more organic, regardless). We couldn’t agree more. As a brand or business online, (versus someone with a mere social media site) you have to decide if your business is on social media to play popularity social media politics or if you are you there for business. Sounds like it should be one in the same but actually, that’s not so. Image result for key gif imaeAll social media platforms were created equal only for the playing field of people but not for business and branding. For business, you have to know how, where, when or if to play on which particular social media sites (and when not to). Even with the need to be engaging, human, and accessible, still, when it comes to how certain social media sites add to your brand versus subtract from time that could be spent on social media sites that do x the time you need to better your brand’s products or services-you need to FIRST know the difference between social media and how the actual Internet alone works together (or not). Some do and some don’t. And two, you need to know how ‘the powers that be’ of the Internet’s algorithmic digisphere work for (or against) your brand or business, its bottom line, and how none of that has ANYTHING to do with IF or THAT you run the gamut of ‘being visible’ on all social media sites available. Image result for key gif imaeThe key is in that particular social media site’s infrastructure and its mode of function of communication with the actual Internet (who, in turn communicates to the digisphere’s algorithmic ‘powers that be’) –that make or break if your digital business site can survive or swing with the millions out there. Not all social media sites serve that purpose…I will tell you which ones in the podcast I will post below, today.

Tip (for the digital business novice) vs. the analog/old days/brick and mortar business/brand setup.

Like “The Gambler” said: “You got to know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. Know when to run. Whether it’s in a relationship, friendship or business. You have a life to live and/or a business/brand to run. Time is valuable as time is money. And you HAVE to know if indulging your businesses message on particular social media sites is even WORTH your time. How do you decide that?

You have to first, know what a meta tag to the Internet was and meant to the Internet THEN (pre-social media) and what a keyword and hash tag means to the Internet and social media NOW.

This is how OSFMag brand studied where their message is best marketed and how we decide when to hold them, when to fold them…and when to run (tap to find out, here)

As we are revamping our socializing game; we have determined, strategized (experienced) and ascertained that Instagram is the way to go-in that regard. So we are locking and loading to dock and be interactive and infoplug there while [continuing to] infoplug on Twitter.

You may (or may not know) we just recently opened an OSFMag IG that will combine all OSFMag brand site’s (, and news and info-for triple the hashtag reach and to give our readers more info and reasons to interact. To reiterate, yes, like we always have, OSFMag’s iTeam will continue to use our Twitters to drop headlines that feeds and lead, however, we are setting up our Instagram to do that and MORE!